November 1, 2013

Whole30 Day 5


Running: 2.74 mi
Walking: .48 mi


Breakfast / lunch:
I made nomnompaaeo's butternut squash recipe. I used ghee instead of lard and it was so good! I highly suggest the ghee. The buttery taste was delicious. 

I had it with my typical salad with salmon again as my protein. This time I added half an avocado as well to increase the fat content of the meal. So good! 

Lunch / snack:
I was hungry. I was actually having a ton of cravings and a really stressful day at work. After reading a lot if the whole9 forums, I decided to eat more. I made a hash with the butternut squash and a Costco sausage. And added a fried egg on top. And an orange. It was so good. 


So I'm finish my lunch and I'm still upset and not happy. I watch some tv. Tried to nap (I've been so tired these days - I almost fell asleep during a meeting). Went for a walk. Nothing helped. 

Dinner was nomnompaleo's chicken wings with some changes. They weren't that great. I did a second set with frank's hot sauce. They were just ok as well. We should have cooked them longer but my husband was hungry so we took them out right at 160 degrees. 

Thoughts on Day 5: 

Exercise: I only really ran on Monday and today, so that is a long stretch of "rest days". For the first mile, all I could think about was turning around after finishing the mile. But I kept going and thought, at the half I'll start walking. Instead I just kept going and surprised myself. I was happy to stop but to if I were being honest with myself, I could have continued to run.

Other thoughts: I'm kind of waking up ... when the alarm goes off, I could easily get up but I could (and do) snooze again and I truly do sleep and get waken again by the snooze.

Also, I cheated a little ... I weighed myself. I have so far lost 2 pounds. meh. I guess that's fine. But it does make me keep going since it has made a difference in five days. again, meh.

I had a stressful day at work and feel quite unappreciated. I just want to hang out and have a glass of wine tonight.

The more I read about this diet, the more I'm thinking I'm an 80/20 paleo person vs a whole 30. At least for now, I'm going to do 80/20 with the weekends off for a "normal" lifestyle. I'll continue to post my weekday paleo days. Hopefully this goes on for more than just a month!

So I really cheated last night. After "discussing" my day with my husband, I got even more stressed. The food wasn't helping. Napping wasn't helping. Walking wasn't helping. So I decided to enjoy some chocolate and drinks after dinner. Here's to off / bad weekends and on / good weekdays! (Perhaps this is why they discourage weighing yourself)

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