November 12, 2012

Monday Reading 11/12

The good news in the rising jobless rate (CNN - jobs! Rate of unemployed increased due to people who stopped looking for jobs returning to the search. Confidence is higher)
U.S. to become biggest oil producer - IEA (CNN - with natural gas surge, US should be highest producer by 2020)
Confessions of extreme Black Friday shoppers (CNN - not really confessions or even a how to, just this woman's team of shopper for last year (?)' s Black Friday)
Toys R Us to open early on Thanksgiving (CNN - Black Friday turning into Thursday. I hate this trend but as long as people encourage it, it'll continue to start earlier and earlier)
Weighing the merits of an online MBA (CNN - how to determine if an online MBA is legit)
Child’s Education, but Parents’ Crushing Loans  (NYT - parents struggling with student's college loans under their name. Examples of parents living with children, BK and one who committed suicide over the loans. Hard read.)
Remember how AT&T swore it needed T-Mobile to expand LTE? Funny story. (arstechnica - AT&T somehow able to gain spectrum with out T-mobile. FCC was right.)
Elmo puppeteer accused of underage relationship (SFGATE - Elmo puppeteer and voice accused of underage relationship. Accuser is now 23 but claims there was sexual relationship when he was under 17.)
Can rude service become a virtue? (SFGATE - Does rude service make people want to come there more? Think of Soup Nazi on Seinfield)
Movin’ Out (NYT - data showing more children are moving out of their parents' homes)
Anti-virus pioneer John McAfee wanted for murder in Belize? (SFGATE - yes that McAffe. What a crazy story!)

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